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Business & Economics


Is the Journal Peer Reviewed?

Scientific journals often practice a system called peer review. In most scientific fields peer reviewed journals are considered to have the highest scientific value of all scientific publications. Before articles in these journals are published, they have been refereed by other expert researchers within the field.

Through the database Ulrichsweb, you can get information about scholarly journals and whether they practice the peer-review process. Look for the referee sweater which indicates that it uses this process: 

Journal Citation Database

Journal Quality List

The list from Chartered Association of Business Schools provides details on journals, stretching across fields of business and economics. The ratings of journals reflect the outcomes of consultations carried out by the subject experts of the Scientific Committee with expert peers and scholarly associations as to the relative standing of journals in each subject area.

Remember that this is a guide, and should not be seen as the only answer to what journals to cite. Always consider the relevance and the quality of the work, regardless of the ABS list. Use the academic databases the Lirbrary provides in order to cover a varied range of publications.