Under My References, you find all your references that you accumulate in your EndNote library. Your EndNote library consists of all your references, but also the different groups that you may have created to manage them more easily. Think of this library as a room with different shelves on which you put different kinds of references, for example, according to different subjects. Of course, you can keep them in one general group if you don't have so many, but it might be a good idea to sort them into different folders (called Groups in EndNote) already from the start before they have accumulated.
You can search among your references by just entering search terms like author, title or other words and click on the Search button. In the drop-down menu directly under the search field, you can choose if you want to search among All My References or in your groups if you have any.
Under this heading, you find different groups or folders:
This brings up a list of all your references in your EndNote Online library including the ones that are unfiled (see below).
When you have imported or created new references but not yet placed them in any group they are placed here.
References stored in the Quick List remain there during the active session. You might, for example, want to create a temporary reference list that you want to print out, then the Quick List is useful. Remember, once you have logged out, the list will be emptied. To copy references to the Quick List, click in the box to the left of each reference or select All or Page (all the references on that particular search list page) above the search list and then click on the button that says Copy To Quick List.
Under this heading, you find all the groups that you have created. Adding references to any of your groups is done in the same way as to the Quick List described above. Just tick the box next to the reference(s) or select All or Page, and then choose group in the drop-down menu that says Add to group...
Under the subheading Find Duplicates you can search your library to see if you have any duplicate references and delete them. Each time you click on Find Duplicates, EndNote will perform a search and either present a result that says "There are currently no duplicate references" or present a list of all the possible duplicates. The document that was first added to your EndNote-library is placed first and the possible duplicates below with the box ticked. Make sure that it is a duplicate. Click Delete to get rid of the duplicates that are ticked:
University library Jönköping University campus, building C Gjuterigatan 5 553 18 Jönköping