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Sourcewise: A Student's Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism

Tags: English


As a student, it is important to remember that you will be building on the work of researchers and authors who came before you; standing on the shoulders of giants. This means showing academic honesty by always giving credit where it is due through proper citation and avoiding cheating and plagiarism.

Godfrey Kneller, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

This guide will help you understand what to consider when writing academic texts. The guide covers the following:

  • How do I include sources in my text?
  • What counts as cheating and plagiarism?
  • How is plagiarism detected and what happens if I plagiarise?

In each module of the guide, we present:

  • an introduction to the topic.
  • films, and other sources of information.
  • a self-assessment test.

Academic norms and culture may differ between countries. This guide will provide you with insight into the norms and values of higher education in Sweden.

About the content

The Student Instruction Team at Jönköping University Library is responsible for the guide. The content is compiled from material produced at Jönköping University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linnaeus University,  Blekinge Technology Institute, Kristianstad University and Umeå University. The basis for some of the text in the guide: Carroll, J., & Zetterling, C-M. (2009). Guiding students away from plagiarism. KTH Learning Lab.